Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018

How to enable and disable sslv3 in popular browser

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Internet Explorer®
Take the following steps to enable or disable SSL in Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Open Internet ExplorerClick ToolsClick Internet OptionsClick the Advanced tabCheck or uncheck the options for Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0Click OKExit and relaunch the browser
Take the following steps to enable or disable SSL in Google Chrome:
Open Google ChromeClick the Chrome menu button
Note: The button is in the upper right of the browser and is indicated by three horizontal lines.Click SettingsClick Show advanced settingsClick Change proxy settings under the Network sectionClick the Advanced tabCheck or uncheck the options for Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0Close the Settings tabExit and relaunch the browser
Take the following steps to enable or disable SSL in Mozilla Firefox on Microsoft Windows:
Open Mozilla FirefoxClick the Firefox menuClick OptionsClick the Advanced iconClick the Encryption tab and check or uncheck the box next to Use SSL 3.0Click OKExit and relaunch the browser
Take the following steps to enable or disable SSL in Mozilla Firefox on Macintosh OS X:
Open Mozilla FirefoxClick the Firefox menuClick PreferencesClick the Advanced tabClick the Encryption tabCheck or uncheck Use SSL 3.0Close the Preferences windowExit and relaunch the browser
SSL is enabled by default in the Safari browser and cannot be disabled.

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