Sabtu, 19 Januari 2019

How to unistall IBM db2 database on aix

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Enter to DB2 installation directory 
root@jasmine21> # cd /opt/IBM/
root@jasmine21> # ls
CPITDB                 FNCS                   NEXUSDB2               ldap                   tdsV6.3db2
ContentSearchServices  FN_CMIS                P8eF                   ltpakeys.txt           tsamp
ECMClient              FileNet                cpit                   sysmgtlib
root@jasmine21> # cd tdsV6.3db2/
root@jasmine21> # ls
.metadata   adsm        conv        dsdriver    include     java        logs        properties  tivready
Readme      bin         das         function    infopop     lib32       map         samples     tools
acs         bnd         dasfcn      gskit       install     lib64       misc        security32
adm         cfg         doc         ha          instance    license     msg         security64
Change to install directory
root@jasmine21> # cd install/
root@jasmine21> # ls
db2_deinstall       db2chgpath          db2ls_exec          logs
db2_deinstall_exec  db2ls               db2un.rsp           tsamp
root@jasmine21> #
Running the following command

root@jasmine21> # ./db2_deinstall -a
DBI1016I  Program db2_deinstall is performing uninstallation. Please

The execution completed successfully.

For more information see the DB2 uninstallation log at
root@jasmine21> #

Read the log result file

root@jasmine21> # tail -n 100 /tmp/db2_deinstall.log.5374140
    DB2 Instance Setup wizard
    Integrated Flash Copy Support
    DB2 Update Service
    First Steps
    Sample database source

Previously Installed Languages:
Selected Languages:

Target directory:                          /opt/IBM/tdsV6.3db2

Preparing the system :.......Success
Stopping DB2 Fault Monitor :.......Success
Updating global registry :.......Success
Updating the db2ls link :.......Success
Executing control tasks :.......Success
WARNING: "IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent " was not be removed
because it was not installed.

Uninstalling IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases :.......Success
Removing files for "DB2_SAMPLE_DATABASE : Sample database source ".

Removing files for "ESE_PRODUCT_SIGNATURE : Product Signature for DB2
Enterprise Server Edition ".

Removing files for "FIRST_STEPS : First Steps ".

Removing files for "DB2_UPDATE_SERVICE : DB2 Update Service ".

Removing files for "ACS : Integrated Flash Copy Support ".

Removing files for "INSTANCE_SETUP_SUPPORT : DB2 Instance Setup wizard ".

Removing files for "LDAP_EXPLOITATION : DB2 LDAP support ".

Removing files for "DB2_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT : DB2 data source support ".

Removing files for "CLPPLUS : Command Line Processor Plus ".

Removing files for "REPL_CLIENT : Replication tools ".

Removing files for "EDB : EnterpriseDB code ".

Removing files for "DATABASE_PARTITIONING_SUPPORT : Parallel Extension ".

Removing files for "COMMUNICATION_SUPPORT_TCPIP : Communication support -

Removing files for "CONNECT_SUPPORT : Connect support ".

Removing files for "JDK : IBM Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java(TM) ".

Removing files for "BASE_DB2_ENGINE : Base server support ".

Removing files for "JAVA_COMMON_FILES : Java Common files ".

Removing files for "ICU_SUP : ICU Utilities ".

Removing files for "SQL_PROCEDURES : SQL procedures ".

Removing files for "JAVA_SUPPORT : Java support ".

Removing files for "GSK : Global Secure ToolKit ".

Removing files for "BASE_DB2_ENGINE_R : Base server support for installation
with root privileges ".

Removing files for "DB2_JAVA_HELP_EN : Java Help (HTML) - English ".

Removing files for "JAVA_RUNTIME_SUPPORT : Java Runtime Support ".

Removing files for "BASE_CLIENT : Base client support ".

Removing files for "DB2_PRODUCT_MESSAGES_EN : Product Messages - English ".

Removing files for "BASE_CLIENT_R : Base Client Support for installation with
root privileges ".

Deleting DB2 file sets :.......Success

Post Uninstall Recommendations

Required steps:
Manually remove the files that are not removed successfully if there is any in this log file.

Optional steps:
Some features, such as OS-based authentication, DB2 High Availability, and configuring the DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS) directory are available only in root installations. Also, reserving service names for TCP/IP remote connection or DB2 Text Search is available only in root installations. To enable these features and abilities in non-root installations, run the db2rfe script as the root user with a configuration file. See /opt/IBM/tdsV6.3db2/instance/db2rfe.cfg for an example of the configuration file.

To start using the DB2 instance "root", you must set up the DB2 instance environment by sourcing db2profile (for Bourne or Korn shell) or db2cshrc (for C shell) in the sqllib directory with the command ".  $HOME/sqllib/db2profile" or "source   $HOME/sqllib/db2cshrc". $HOME represents the home directory of the DB2 instance. You can also open a new login window of the DB2 instance user.

DB2 Uninstall log file finished at:  Sat Jan 19 18:34:40 WIB 2019 WIB

root@jasmine21> #
Check the DB2 directory

root@jasmine21> # cd /opt/IBM
root@jasmine21> # ls
CPITDB                 FNCS                   NEXUSDB2               ldap                   tsamp
ContentSearchServices  FN_CMIS                P8eF                   ltpakeys.txt
ECMClient              FileNet                cpit                   sysmgtlib
root@jasmine21> #

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